Video Instructions for Accepted Papers

All speakers at RecSys 2024 can optionally provide a 2-minute video summarizing the contributions of their work. This video will be published together with the final version of the contribution on the ACM Digital Library, before the event.

To submit your video, please use the following link: You will see the form depicted below.

Video Instructions

Please be very careful to ensure that your video does not exceed the 2-minute limit.

You will need your DOI as assigned to you during the ACM rights review process to upload this video (in the form: 10.1145/XXXXXX.XXXXXX). Do not use the “” part. You can find the DOI in the confirmation email from ACM rights review or at the bottom of the ACM copyright block on the first page of your pdf submission.

In the field “Artifact type”, select “Video”. You are expected to provide a very short description of your presentation video. This is limited to 1,024 characters, including spaces. If your description exceeds this character count, it will be ignored and “Presentation Video” will be used as the default description by ACM for the Digital Library. Please be aware that as per ACM Digital Recordings Requirements policy, all content captured is owned by ACM and may not be distributed by other means, unless express permission is given by ACM.

Upload the one (1) video, your assigned DOI, and short description to the video submission site until September 5th. The deadline refers to 23:59 (11:59 pm) in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.

To create your video, please consider the following technical requirements:

  • The preferred resolution is 1080p/HD if possible but 720P is also acceptable.
  • The video format is .mp4 or .m4v format, optimized for streaming; the Video Codec is H.264 and the Audio Codec is AAC+ or AAC. MPEG4 PART 10 or AVC. See the requirements page for more information.
    We recommend using Zoom for the video recording. Instructions on how to record a presentation with Zoom can be found here.
  • Audio and video tracks are in sync at all times.
  • It is preferred to include it as a picture-in-picture video window of the presenter throughout the video.
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