We are pleased to invite you to contribute to the 18th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2024), the premier venue for research on the foundations and applications of recommendation technologies. The upcoming RecSys conference will be held from October 14-18, 2024 in Bari, Italy. While there will be the option to attend remotely, authors of accepted papers are expected to present the work in person. The conference will continue RecSys’ practice of connecting researchers, practitioners, and students to exchange ideas, frame problems, and share solutions across a range of specialties concerned with recommendation. All accepted papers will be published by ACM.
We invite submissions of original research on all aspects of recommender systems, including contributions to algorithms ranging from collaborative filtering to knowledge-based reasoning or deep learning, contributions to design ranging from studies of human preferences and decision-making to novel interaction design, contributions to systems including practical issues of scale and deployment, contributions through applications that bring forward the lessons of innovative applications across various domains from e-commerce to education to social connections, and contributions through scientific inquiry on fundamental dynamics and impact of recommender systems. We welcome new research on recommendation technologies coming from diverse communities ranging from psychology to mathematics. In particular, we care as much about the human and economic impact of these systems as we care about their underlying algorithms. We encourage research papers coming from industry that focus on open challenges in their specific environment.
Topics of interest for RecSys 2024 include but are not limited to (alphabetically ordered):
Algorithm scalability, performance, and implementations;
Bias, fairness, bubbles, and ethics of recommender systems;
Case studies of real-world implementations;
Conversational and natural language recommender systems;
Cross-domain recommendation;
Data characteristics and processing challenges underlying recommender systems;
Economic models and consequences of recommender systems;
Evaluation methodology for recommender systems;
Explanation interfaces for recommender systems;
Large-language models as part of recommender systems;
Multi-stakeholder recommendations;
Novel approaches to recommendation, including voice, VR/AR, etc.;
Preference elicitation;
Privacy and security;
Socially- and context-aware recommender systems;
Systems challenges such as scalability, data quality, and performance;
User studies of recommendation applications.
Papers on demonstration for RecSys should be submitted to the demo track, while papers on new resources for RecSys should be submitted to the reproducibility track. They would be desk-rejected in the main track.
We also point authors to the industry track for discussion of field experiences, deployments, user studies (etc.) that do not follow the framework of regular papers, or align with the reviewing guidelines below. A separate track is also included for late-breaking results papers; this track is intended for short presentations of preliminary work, mainly focused on fostering discussions with other members of the RecSys community.
Reviewing Process
Reviewers will evaluate papers based on their significance, originality, rigor, and contribution to the field. In view of the RecSys conference goal of advancing the field, reviewers are also asked to consider the replicability of reported research. Replicability is to be assessed in the context of the work itself — we recognize that a set of customer interviews (for example) may not be shareable, but the interview scripts can be provided along with other resources such as response coding protocols. Papers that are out of scope, incomplete, or lack sufficient evidence to support the basic claims, may be rejected without full review.
Submission Guidelines
LONG PAPERS should report on substantial contributions of lasting value. The maximum length is 8 pages (plus up to 2 pages of references). Authors can also submit auxiliary material to enhance reproducibility (e.g., experiment details, proof details), but papers should be self-contained and reviewers are not required to review the auxiliary material. Each accepted long paper will be included in the conference proceedings and presented in the form of a talk or poster as part of the main conference program.
SHORT PAPERS typically discuss exciting new work that is not yet mature enough for a long paper. In particular, novel but significant proposals will be considered for acceptance to this category despite not having gone through sufficient experimental validation or lacking strong theoretical foundation. Applications of recommender systems to novel areas are especially welcome. The maximum length is 4 pages (plus up to 1 page of references). Authors can also submit auxiliary material to enhance reproducibility (e.g., experiment details, proof details), but papers should be self-contained and reviewers are not required to review the auxiliary material. Each accepted short paper will be included in the conference proceedings and presented in a poster session. The poster presentation may include a system demonstration. Selected short papers will be invited as oral presentations. Note that rejected long paper submissions will not be considered as short papers.
All submissions and reviews will be handled electronically. Papers must be submitted to EasyChair.
We always encourage authors to present reproducible scientific results and we strongly believe this is an attitude we should foster in our RecSys community. To promote a fair evaluation of new algorithms and approaches with state-of-the-art baselines and allow other researchers to reproduce the results presented in RecSys papers, we suggest the authors refer to one of the frameworks listed in https://github.com/ACMRecSys/recsys-evaluation-frameworks. As for the datasets to use in experimental evaluations, authors may refer to the repositories available at https://github.com/ACMRecSys/recsys-datasets.
Sharing of datasets and code is encouraged, and authors presenting work that was tested on proprietary data may wish to include a secondary analysis on a public or shareable data set. We also strongly recommend the authors, whenever there are no restrictions, to make their code available on a public repository. The same holds for non-public datasets used for experimental evaluations. To keep the anonymity of their submission, the authors may refer to https://anonymous.4open.science/.
ACM’s archival publication format separates content from presentation in the Digital Library to enhance accessibility and improve the flexibility and resiliency of our publications. All authors should submit manuscripts for review in a double-column format. Instructions for Word and LaTeX authors are given below:
Microsoft Word: Write your paper using ACM’s interim template. Follow the embedded instructions to apply the paragraph styles to your various text elements. The text is in double-column format and no additional formatting is required at this stage.
LaTeX: Please use the latest version of the Primary Article Template – LaTeX to create your submission.Start the document with the \documentclass[sigconf,anonymous]{acmart} command to generate the output in a double-column format. Please see the LaTeX documentation and ACM’s LaTeX best practices guide for further instructions, ignoring the single-column instructions. Do not use the “manuscript” option, otherwise the document will not be compiled in double-column, as required. Check the sample-sigconf.tex file included in the template package for a formatting example. To ensure 100% compatibility with The ACM Publishing System (TAPS), please restrict the use of packages to the whitelist of approved LaTeX packages.
Further instructions for camera-ready submission will be provided to authors of accepted contributions.
A document with some frequently asked questions can be found here.
Authors are strongly encouraged to provide “alt text” (alternative text) for floats (images, tables, etc.) in their content so that readers with disabilities can be given descriptive information for these floats that are important to the work. The descriptive text will be displayed in place of a float if the float cannot be loaded. This benefits the author as well as it broadens the reader base for the author’s work. Moreover, the alt text provides in-depth float descriptions to search engine crawlers, which helps to properly index these floats. Please check your template’s documentation for instructions on how to use “alt text”. Additionally, authors should follow the ACM Accessibility Recommendations for Publishing in Color and SIG ACCESS guidelines on describing figures.
Should you have any questions or issues going through the instructions above, please contact support at for both LaTeX and Microsoft Word inquiries.
Accepted papers will be later submitted to ACM’s new production platform where authors will be able to review PDF and HTML output formats before publication.
The peer review process is mutually anonymous (double-blind). This means that all submissions must not include information identifying the authors or their organization. Specifically, do not include the authors’ names and affiliations, refer to your previous work in the third person (e.g., “Joachims and Verbert (2024) recommended that RecSys submissions be anonymized by referring to the authors’ prior work in the third person.”), and avoid providing any other information that would allow reviewers to identify the authors, such as acknowledgments of individuals and funding sources. However, it is acceptable to explicitly refer in the paper to the companies or organizations that provided datasets, hosted experiments or deployed solutions if there is no implication that the authors are currently affiliated with the mentioned organization. Reviewers are instructed not to search for tech reports, pre-prints, and other information about your research. Your responsibility is focused on making sure that the paper submission itself does not reveal your identity as author.
ACM RecSys expects all authors to comply with ethical and regulatory guidelines associated with human subjects research, including ACM’s new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects. Papers reporting on such human subjects research must include a statement identifying any regulatory review the research is subject to (and identifying the form of approval provided), or explaining the lack of required review. Reviewers will be asked to consider whether the research was conducted in compliance with applicable ethical and regulatory guidelines.
We encourage authors to consider further ethical implications and broader impacts of their work, and to discuss these in an appropriate section of their papers; “A Guide to Writing the NeurIPS Impact Statement” provides non-binding guidance on some of the kinds of things authors may wish to consider.
Each paper should not be previously published or accepted to any peer-reviewed journal or conference, nor currently under review elsewhere (including as another paper submission for RecSys 2024). Papers published in workshop proceedings may only be submitted if the RecSys submission includes at least 30% new content; such papers must also reference the original workshop paper on the submission form (but not in the anonymized paper). Workshops without published proceedings are exempt from this rule. Submission of the paper to pre-print sites like arXiv is allowed before and after submission to RecSys 2024.
Authors must follow the ACM Policy on Authorship (FAQ). Papers that include material produced by GenAI tools (e.g., text generated from a large-scale language model (LLM) such as ChatGPT) have to disclose the extend and nature of this use in a section titled “Acknowledgments”, so that reviewers can assess the overall rigor of the research methodology. Exempt from this disclosure is the use of AI tools for editing and polishing authors’ work, such as authors using LLMs for light editing of their own text (e.g., automate grammar checks, word autocorrect, and other editing work). Authors that chose to use GenAI tools are fully responsible for any inaccuracies, bias, plagiarism and other violations as if the authors had produced the content themselves. Submission of papers that are primarily produced by GenAI without substantial author contributions are prohibited and are considered spam. Only humans can be authors of a submitted paper.
Plagiarized papers will not be accepted for RecSys 2024. Our committees will be checking the plagiarism level of all submitted papers to ensure content originality using an automated tool.
If you reuse non-novel text from a prior publication (e.g., the description of an algorithm or dataset), please be sure to cite the prior publication as the source of that text. If you have questions about reuse of text or simultaneous submission, please contact the program chairs at least one week prior to the submission deadline. Please refer to the ACM Publishing License Agreement and Authorship Policy for further details.
Papers violating any of the above guidelines are subject to rejection without review and cases may be referred to the ACM Publications Ethics and Plagiarism committee for further action where warranted.
Please take note that the official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.
Authors of accepted papers will have the choice to publish the work either under the conventional ACM policy free of author fees, or under the ACM Open Access policy potentially subject to an article processing charge.
The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference.
SIGCHI Submitter Agreement
By submitting your article to an ACM Publication, you are hereby acknowledging that you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including ACM’s new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects. Alleged violations of this policy or any ACM Publications Policy will be investigated by ACM and may result in a full retraction of your paper, in addition to other potential penalties, as per ACM Publications Policy.
Please ensure that you and your co-authors obtain an ORCID ID, so you can complete the publishing process for your accepted paper. ACM has been involved in ORCID from the start and we have recently made a commitment to collect ORCID IDs from all of our published authors. The collection process has started and will roll out as a requirement throughout 2022. We are committed to improve author discoverability, ensure proper attribution and contribute to ongoing community efforts around name normalization; your ORCID ID will help in these efforts.”
RecSys 2024 is a SIGCHI conference and making a submission to a SIGCHI conference is a serious matter. Submissions require time and effort by SIGCHI volunteers to organize and manage the reviewing process, and, if the submission is accepted, the publication and presentation process. Thus, anyone who submits to RecSys 2024 implicitly confirms the following statements:
I confirm that this submission is the work of myself and my co-authors.
I confirm that I or my co-authors hold copyright to the content, and have obtained appropriate permissions for any portions of the content that are copyrighted by others.
I confirm that any research reported in this submission involving human subjects has gone through the appropriate approval process at my institution.
I confirm that if this paper is accepted, I or one of my co-authors will present the paper at the conference, either in person or through a conference-designated remote presentation option. Papers that are not presented at the conference by an author may be removed from the proceedings at the discretion of the program chairs.
Important Dates
[FULL] Abstract submission deadline: April 22, 2024
[FULL] Paper submission deadline: April 29, 2024
[FULL] Author rebuttal period: June 10-17, 2024
[FULL] Author Notification: July 22, 2024
[SHORT] Abstract submission deadline: May 13, 2024
[SHORT] Paper submission deadline: May 20, 2024
[SHORT] Author rebuttal period: June 24 – July 1, 2024
[SHORT] Author notification: July 29, 2024
[FULL and SHORT] Camera-ready version deadline: August 19, 2024
Deadlines refer to 23:59 (11:59pm) in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.
Program Chairs
Thorsten Joachims, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
The reproducibility of empirical results is a cornerstone of scientific research and a prerequisite to ensure continuous progress in our field. ACM RecSys ‘24 therefore strongly
encourages submissions which repeat or analyze prior works in similar or alternative settings or which contribute to an increased level of reproducibility in the future.
Types of papers
We encourage the submission of different types of papers, including:
Reproducibility papers, which analyze prior works in different contexts, e.g., in different domains, with different datasets, compared to different baselines.
Resource papers that provide the foundation for future reproducibility, e.g., in terms of new datasets or open-source software frameworks for the evaluation of recommender systems.
Methodology papers, which for example propose novel offline evaluation protocols for the reproducibility task or provide validated measurement scales for user-centric evaluations of recommendations.
Reflective works, such as guidelines for reproducibility, surveys of reproducibility levels, or theoretical reflections on our research methodology.
Other types of submissions related to the wider topic of reproducibility in recommender systems are welcome as well. Please reach out to the track chairs at in advance in case you are not sure if your work could be a match for the reproducibility track.
Submission and reviewing
Similar to the main track of ACM RecSys ‘24, the review process is double-blind. Submissions therefore must not include the author names and affiliations, and the code/data repositories should be set up to maintain anonymity as well.
We expect authors to provide all relevant materials that are needed to fully assess the validity of the submission, including all code, data, and installation instructions that are needed to re-execute the experiments that are reported in the paper. Submissions from the same authors of the reproduced experiments will not be accepted. Failure to provide all materials will result in desk rejection.
To keep the anonymity of their submission, the authors may refer to https://anonymous.4open.science/.
In the case of resource papers, given the nature of the submission, the authors may refer to the specific ANONYMITY section below.
To promote a fair evaluation of new algorithms and approaches with state-of-the-art baselines and allow other researchers to reproduce the results presented in RecSys papers, we suggest the authors refer to one of the frameworks listed in https://github.com/ACMRecSys/recsys-evaluation-frameworks. As for the datasets to use in experimental evaluations, authors may refer to the repositories available at https://github.com/ACMRecSys/recsys-datasets.
Each paper will be reviewed by members of the programme committee of the track. The review criteria, among others, will include the following specific aspects:
Novelty: What is new about the reported findings or insights?
Impact: What is the expected impact of the reported findings or insights?
Reliability: Is the work technically sound?
Availability: Is the submitted work well documented and repeatable?
Each accepted paper will be included in the conference proceedings, and a selected number of papers will be presented in a plenary session as part of the main conference program. We encourage authors to create a companion website that hosts all relevant material.
Submission Guidelines
We accept long papers of up to 8 pages (plus up to 2 pages of references) and short papers of up to 4 pages (plus up to 1 page of references) in ACM’s double-column format, corresponding to the categories of the call for papers for the main track. The length of a submission should be commensurate with its contribution.
It is expected that at the time of submission, the code and datasets used to reproduce the experiments will be available under reasonably liberal terms and sufficiently well-documented such that reviewers may consult that documentation as they conduct their reviews.
Submission System
All submissions and reviews will be handled electronically. Papers must be submitted via EasyChair.
Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline: May 20, 2024
Paper submission deadline: May 27, 2024
Author notification: July 29, 2024
Camera-ready version deadline: August 19, 2024
Deadlines refer to 23:59 (11:59pm) in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.
Paper Formatting
ACM’s archival publication format separates content from presentation in the Digital Library to enhance accessibility and improve the flexibility and resiliency of our publications. Following the ACM publication workflow, all authors should submit manuscripts for review in a double-column format. Instructions for Word and LaTeX authors are given below:
Microsoft Word: Write your paper using ACM’s interim template. Follow the embedded instructions to apply the paragraph styles to your various text elements. The text is in double-column format and no additional formatting is required at this stage.
LaTeX: Please use the latest version of the Primary Article Template – LaTeX to create your submission.Start the document with the \documentclass[sigconf,anonymous]{acmart} command to generate the output in a double-column format. Please see the LaTeX documentation and ACM’s LaTeX best practices guide for further instructions, ignoring the single-column instructions. Do not use the “manuscript” option, otherwise the document will not be compiled in double-column, as required. Check the sample-sigconf.tex file included in the template package for a formatting example. To ensure 100% compatibility with The ACM Publishing System (TAPS), please restrict the use of packages to the whitelist of approved LaTeX packages.
A document with some frequently asked questions can be found here.
Authors are strongly encouraged to provide “alt text” (alternative text) for floats (images, tables, etc.) in their content so that readers with disabilities can be given descriptive information for these floats that are important to the work. The descriptive text will be displayed in place of a float if the float cannot be loaded. This benefits the author as well as it broadens the reader base for the author’s work. Moreover, the alt text provides in-depth float descriptions to search engine crawlers, which helps to properly index these floats. Additionally, authors should follow the ACM Accessibility Recommendations for Publishing in Color and SIG ACCESS guidelines on describing figures.
Should you have any questions or issues going through the instructions above, please contact support at for both LaTeX and Microsoft Word inquiries.
Accepted papers will be later submitted to ACM’s new production platform where authors will be able to review PDF and HTML output formats before publication.
Anonymity for Resource Papers
The resource papers are not required to be anonymous since the resource paper peer review process is single-blind. This means that resource paper submissions can include information identifying the authors or their organization.
Furthermore, we recognize that anonymizing external resources (code, notebooks, datasets, and others) can be onerous; therefore, authors do not have to anonymize these.
Authors must ensure unfettered access to the resource both during the review process and after, by citing the resource at a permanent location. For example, data available in a repository such as FigShare, Zenodo, Datorium, Dataverse, or any other dataset-sharing service or a domain-specific repository; or software code being available in a public code repository, such as GitHub or BitBucket or one’s institutional open data repository.
Anonymity for Reproducibility, Methodology, and Reflective Papers
The peer review process is mutually anonymous (double-blind). This means that all submissions must not include information identifying the authors or their organization. Specifically, do not include the authors’ names and affiliations, refer to your previous work in the third person (e.g., “Zhang and Di Noia (2024) recommended that RecSys submissions be anonymized by referring to the authors’ prior work in the third person.”), and avoid providing any other information that would allow reviewers to identify the authors, such as acknowledgments of individuals and funding sources. However, it is acceptable to explicitly refer in the paper to the companies or organizations that provided datasets, hosted experiments or deployed solutions if there is no implication that the authors are currently affiliated with the mentioned organization. Reviewers are instructed not to search for tech reports, pre-prints, and other information about your research. Your responsibility is focused on making sure that the paper submission itself does not reveal your identity as author.
To provide all relevant materials that are needed to fully assess the validity of the submission and keep the anonymity of their submission, the authors may refer to https://anonymous.4open.science/.
Ethical Review For Human-Subjects Research
ACM RecSys expects all authors to comply with ethical and regulatory guidelines associated with human subjects research, including research involving human participants and research using personally identifiable data. Papers reporting on such human subjects research must include a statement identifying any regulatory review the research is subject to (and identifying the form of approval provided), or explaining the lack of required review. Reviewers will be asked to consider whether the research was conducted in compliance with applicable ethical and regulatory guidelines.
We encourage authors to consider further ethical implications and broader impacts of their work, and to discuss these in an appropriate section of their papers; “A Guide to Writing the NeurIPS Impact Statement” provides non-binding guidance on some of the kinds of things authors may wish to consider.
Each paper should not be previously published or accepted to any peer-reviewed journal or conference, nor currently under review elsewhere (including as another paper submission for RecSys 2024). Papers published in workshop proceedings may only be submitted if the RecSys submission includes at least 30% new content; such papers must also reference the original workshop paper on the submission form (but not in the anonymized paper). Workshops without published proceedings are exempt from this rule. Submission of the paper to pre-print sites like arXiv is allowed before and after submission to RecSys 2024.
Authors must follow the ACM Policy on Authorship (FAQ). Papers that include material produced by GenAI tools (e.g., text generated from a large-scale language model (LLM) such as ChatGPT) have to disclose the extend and nature of this use in a section titled “Acknowledgments”, so that reviewers can assess the overall rigor of the research methodology. Exempt from this disclosure is the use of AI tools for editing and polishing authors’ work, such as authors using LLMs for light editing of their own text (e.g., automate grammar checks, word autocorrect, and other editing work). Authors that chose to use GenAI tools are fully responsible for any inaccuracies, bias, plagiarism and other violations as if the authors had produced the content themselves. Submission of papers that are primarily produced by GenAI without substantial author contributions are prohibited and are considered spam. Only humans can be authors of a submitted paper.
Plagiarized papers will not be accepted for RecSys 2024. Our committees will be checking the plagiarism level of all submitted papers to ensure content originality using an automated tool.
If you reuse non-novel text from a prior publication (e.g., the description of an algorithm or dataset), please be sure to cite the prior publication as the source of that text. If you have questions about reuse of text or simultaneous submission, please contact the program chairs at least one week prior to the submission deadline. Please refer to the ACM Publishing License Agreement and Authorship Policy for further details.
Papers violating any of the above guidelines are subject to rejection without review and cases may be referred to the ACM Publications Ethics and Plagiarism committee for further action where warranted.
Please take note that the official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.
SIGCHI Submitter Agreement
By submitting your article to an ACM Publication, you are hereby acknowledging that you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including ACM’s new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects. Alleged violations of this policy or any ACM Publications Policy will be investigated by ACM and may result in a full retraction of your paper, in addition to other potential penalties, as per ACM Publications Policy.
Please ensure that you and your co-authors obtain an ORCID ID, so you can complete the publishing process for your accepted paper. ACM has been involved in ORCID from the start and we have recently made a commitment to collect ORCID IDs from all of our published authors. The collection process has started and will roll out as a requirement throughout 2022. We are committed to improve author discoverability, ensure proper attribution and contribute to ongoing community efforts around name normalization; your ORCID ID will help in these efforts.”
RecSys 2024 is a SIGCHI conference and making a submission to a SIGCHI conference is a serious matter. Submissions require time and effort by SIGCHI volunteers to organize and manage the reviewing process, and, if the submission is accepted, the publication and presentation process. Thus, anyone who submits to RecSys 2024 implicitly confirms the following statements:
I confirm that this submission is the work of myself and my co-authors.
I confirm that I or my co-authors hold copyright to the content, and have obtained appropriate permissions for any portions of the content that are copyrighted by others.
I confirm that any research reported in this submission involving human subjects has gone through the appropriate approval process at my institution.
I confirm that if this paper is accepted, I or one of my co-authors will present the paper at the conference, either in person or through a conference-designated remote presentation option. Papers that are not presented at the conference by an author may be removed from the proceedings at the discretion of the program chairs.
Reproducibility Chairs
Vito Walter Anelli, Politecnico di Bari, Italy
Robin Burke, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
Nicola Ferro, University of Padua, Italy
Maria Maistro, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Call for Workshop Proposals
We are pleased to invite you to contribute to the 18th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2024), the premier venue for research on the foundations and applications of recommendation technologies. The upcoming RecSys conference will be held from October 14th to October 18th 2024, with workshops being held on the first and last day of the conference. The conference will continue RecSys’ practice of connecting the research and practitioner communities to exchange ideas, frame problems, and share solutions. RecSys 2024 is pleased to invite proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the conference, which will be held in Bari, Italy. The goal of the workshops is to provide additional venues for discussing novel ideas as well as recent results of research in progress.
In 2024, our goal is to have a balanced workshop program which comprises workshop formats of different types and a combination of newly emerging, currently evolving, and historically understudied topics. Different full-day and half-day workshop formats are possible, for example:
Workshops with novel interactive formats and a relatively small number of participants. Such workshop formats might for example target at the exploration of a certain topic during the workshop through a moderated discussion or breakout sessions, resulting in a draft paper or report to be completed and published after the workshop. Or they might focus on datasets and benchmarking for a particular problem or domain. Particular priority will be given to these formats which require the active involvement of the participants.
Workshops with the traditional workshop format on specialized topics. Such workshops typically have their own paper submission and review processes. Proposals for continuations of existing workshop series are welcome. However, please include a brief statement on the necessity for the new edition, including a description of the outcomes of previous years and the expected novelty of this edition.
We encourage you to contact us by email at up to two weeks before the deadline with workshop ideas. In particular, for workshop proposals with novel interactive formats, we are happy to assist you in further developing and implementing your ideas. We actively encourage both researchers and industry practitioners to submit workshop proposals.
Submission Guidelines
All submissions and reviews will be handled electronically. The maximum length is 4 pages (plus up to 1 page of references) in the double-column format. Workshop proposals must be submitted via EasyChair by 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth) on March 4, 2024.
The workshop proposal should be organized as follows:
Workshop title;
A short description of the workshop, including the rationale for the workshop and how and why it fits the audience of RecSys. This description should also include the topic and its relevance to the community as well as format, and details about what type of submission is requested from prospective attendees. Please also add an explanation on how the workshop complements, rather than duplicates, the topics of the main conference;
Name, email address, and affiliation for workshop organizers and a brief description of their experience in organizing such events. Note that organizers are expected to be actively involved in its organization, including attending the workshop whenever possible. Please, indicate the contact point for us to communicate effectively. In the case of more than four organizers, please justify the need for each contribution;
Requested duration (half day or full day), with a motivation on the choice of this duration, and expected number of participants.
Workshop format (in-person or hybrid). Note that, independent of the format, at least one organizer needs to attend in-person;
Description of workshop activities. Outline how the workshop will be organized and how the time will be spent (i.e., a schedule). In particular, please sketch how you will engage participants to foster more interactivity and engagement during the workshop;
For workshops involving paper submissions, an initial – and for the most part confirmed – Program Committee (or a clear justification why it is not needed) and how the peer-review process will be handled;
For more interactive workshop formats, also outline the process of selecting or inviting the participants;
Description of plans for promoting the workshop and disseminating the results, for instance, by organizing a journal special issue with extended versions of the workshop’s best papers;
History of prior workshops on this topic (if available), including URLs, a brief statement on the development of the workshop series, e.g., in terms of topics, #paper submissions and participants, post-workshop publications over the years, and acceptance statistics.
Ability of the topic to contribute to the continued development of the field of recommender systems;
Level of complementarity of the topic to the main conference;
Clear plan for attracting submissions, making the workshop itself productive, and disseminating results. Evidence that this plan will be successful;
Experience of the organizers.
After acceptance notification, organizers of accepted workshops are expected to (a) provide a link of their workshop website containing information about aims and scope, topics, their important dates, their paper submission instructions (if any), the committees, contacts, and so on, (b) be responsible for their own publicity, (c) write a short workshop summary to be included in the conference proceedings, (d) to be in contact with the organization of the conference, in particular, workshop chairs, and (e) chair the workshop at the conference.
The organizers of accepted workshops will be invited to write a camera-ready summary of the workshop. Workshop summaries will be later (see “Important dates” section) submitted to ACM’s new production platform where authors will be able to review PDF and HTML output formats before publication.
ACM’s archival publication format separates content from presentation in the Digital Library to enhance accessibility and improve the flexibility and resiliency of our publications. Following the ACM publication workflow, all authors should submit manuscripts for review in a double-column format. Instructions for Word and LaTeX authors are given below:
Microsoft Word: Write your paper using ACM’s interim template. Follow the embedded instructions to apply the paragraph styles to your various text elements. The text is in double-column format and no additional formatting is required at this stage.
LaTeX: Please use the latest version of the Primary Article Template – LaTeX to create your submission.Start the document with the \documentclass[sigconf,anonymous]{acmart} command to generate the output in a double-column format. Please see the LaTeX documentation and ACM’s LaTeX best practices guide for further instructions, ignoring the single-column instructions. Do not use the “manuscript” option, otherwise the document will not be compiled in double-column, as required. Check the sample-sigconf.tex file included in the template package for a formatting example. To ensure 100% compatibility with The ACM Publishing System (TAPS), please restrict the use of packages to the whitelist of approved LaTeX packages.
Authors are strongly encouraged to provide “alt text” (alternative text) for floats (images, tables, etc.) in their content so that readers with disabilities can be given descriptive information for these floats that are important to the work. The descriptive text will be displayed in place of a float if the float cannot be loaded. This benefits the author as well as it broadens the reader base for the author’s work. Moreover, the alt text provides in-depth float descriptions to search engine crawlers, which helps to properly index these floats. Additionally, authors should follow the ACM Accessibility Recommendations for Publishing in Color and SIG ACCESS guidelines on describing figures.
Should you have any questions or issues going through the instructions above, please contact support at for both LaTeX and Microsoft Word inquiries. The overview papers of accepted workshops will be later submitted to ACM’s new production platform where authors will be able to review PDF and HTML output formats before publication.
Important Dates
Workshop proposal submission deadline: March 4, 2024
Workshop proposal notification: March 25, 2024
Camera-ready workshop summary deadline: August 13, 2024
Deadlines refer to 23:59 (11:59pm) in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.
We are pleased to invite you to contribute to the 18th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2024), the premier venue for research on the foundations and applications of recommendation technologies. The conference will continue RecSys’ practice of connecting the research and practitioner communities to exchange ideas, frame problems, and share solutions.
We invite proposals for tutorials to be given in conjunction with the conference. The goal of the tutorials is to provide conference attendees, including early-career researchers and researchers crossing over from related disciplines, with an opportunity to learn about recommender system concepts and techniques. Tutorials also serve as a venue to share presenters’ expertise with the global community of recommender system researchers and practitioners.
Each tutorial will provide in-depth coverage of an established recommender systems subtopic, introduce an emerging application of recommendation technologies, or update the recommender systems community on recent advances in related fields. Relevant topics including but not limited to:
Building and deploying recommender systems in specific domains (e.g., commerce, music, tourism, education, TV/video, jobs, enterprise, health, fashion, e-government, smart cities, energy, wellness etc.);
Introductions to specific recommender systems techniques (e.g., deep learning, feature engineering, graph models, reinforcement learning, conversational recommender systems, intelligent interactive recommendation, large-scale recommender systems, stream-based recommendation, etc.);
Using different types of data (semantic web, graphs) and media (text, images, video, speech) for building recommendations;
Intersections of recommender systems with other domains (generative models, information retrieval, machine learning, human-computer interaction, databases, economics, psychology, etc);
Designing user experiences and interactions with systems offering recommendation and intelligent interaction (e.g., virtual assistants, chatbots, robots, etc.);
Eliciting and learning user preferences through interactions;
Affective recommender systems that take into account users’ emotional state, physical state, personality, trust, level of expertise, and/or cognitive readiness into account;
User modeling elicitation, creation and update;
Persuasive recommender systems, able to foster some behavior change in people;
Recommender systems supporting complex decision making;
Recommender systems in the Metaverse;
Ethical and legal aspects of recommender systems (e.g., privacy, fairness, accountability, transparency, and control of bias, etc.);
Evaluation of recommender systems (e.g., system-centric and user-centric evaluation, experimentation, etc.).
The length of your proposed tutorial should be commensurate with the presented materials and the projected interest of the RecSys community in the tutorial topic. We expect tutorial slots of either 90 or 180 minutes. We may work with accepted tutorial presenters to adjust the length of the tutorials for the available slots. Realize that you need to be flexible, since we may not be able to accommodate your favorite choice of date and time for the tutorial.
We actively encourage both researchers and industry practitioners to submit tutorial proposals that target different levels of expertise and different interests. We also encourage the submission of hands-on tutorials, for instance through the use of notebooks that combine theoretical concepts with practical exercises.
As a tutorial presenter, you are expected to write a short tutorial summary for the conference proceedings (detailed instructions will be provided), and provide a link to your tutorial materials after the tutorial so that it can be posted on the ACM RecSys 2024 website and serve as a resource to the community.
If you submit a tutorial, please realize that you are expected to attend the physical conference and present your tutorial in person.
Submission Guidelines
All submissions and reviews will be handled electronically. Tutorial proposals must be submitted via EasyChair by 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth) on March 18, 2024. The tutorial proposal should be organized as follows:
Tutorial title;
Tutorial length;
Motivation for proposing this tutorial (why it is important for RecSys);
Name, email address, and affiliation of tutorial instructors (each listed instructor must present in person at the conference);
Detailed bulleted outline of the tutorial (this point should take the most space);
Targeted audience (introductory, intermediate, advanced) and prerequisite knowledge or skills;
Teaching experiences and history of prior tutorials by the presenters;
List of relevant publications by the presenters;
Main differences with tutorials on the same or similar topic (in past RecSys editions – please, specify the year – or other related conferences).
The submission should be a .pdf file of about 2 pages in length (single column, no particular formatting required).
Tutorial proposals will be reviewed according to:
the ability of the tutorial to contribute to strengthening the foundations of recommender system research, or to broaden the field to look at important new challenges and techniques;
experience and skill of the presenters;
the value of any materials released with the tutorial for the community.
Important Dates
Tutorial proposals due: March 18, 2024
Tutorial proposals notifications: April 1, 2024
Camera-ready tutorial session abstract: August 13, 2024
Deadlines refer to 23:59 (11:59pm) in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.
Tutorials Chairs
Federica Cena, University of Turin, Italy
Christoph Trattner, MediaFutures, University of Bergen, Norway
Martijn Willemsen, Eindhoven University of Technology & JADS, The Netherlands
Call for Industry Talk Proposals
We are pleased to invite you to contribute to the 18th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2024), the premier venue for research and applications of recommendation technologies. The upcoming RecSys conference will be held on October 14–18, 2024 in Bari, Italy, with an inclusive format that accommodates remote attendance. The conference will continue RecSys’ practice of connecting researchers, practitioners, and students to exchange ideas, frame problems, and share solutions across a range of specialties concerned with recommendation.
Industry practitioners are invited to submit proposals to the RecSys industry track for a conference presentation. Although attendance to the conference may be remote, we expect presenters to be there in person. The industry track is focused on challenges and practical solutions to significant real-world issues faced by industry practitioners. We encourage submissions that describe substantial real-world challenges and novel deployed systems that power recommendations in commercial settings. This includes design and interaction aspects of recommender systems. We also recognize that diverse speaker backgrounds and topics facilitate richer discussions at the conference, therefore we especially encourage colleagues from backgrounds that are under-represented in the conference series to submit talk proposals. Please note that industry talks are independent of sponsorship and are selected from the present call for submissions by a single-blind review process.
All submissions will be reviewed for relevance to real-world challenges, novelty, and contribution to the community. Shared data sets and code are encouraged, as are insights into quantitative and/or qualitative evaluation results. However, industry-track submissions can focus on real, commercial data and proprietary results, and as such the level of detail and evaluation is not required to be as deep as the main research track. Real-world impact and ethical considerations of the systems described will also be taken into account. Note that proposals consisting of sales pitches for products will not be considered.
Examples of talk topics include, but are not limited to:
Lessons learned from real-world deployment of recommender systems including case studies, retrospectives, and user studies;
Societal impact, fairness and bias of recommender systems in the real world;
Novel recommender system applications;
Novel techniques that solve significant issues in production deployment;
Online and offline metrics used to evaluate recommender systems and studies of their interaction in production settings;
Design and human interaction aspects of recommender systems;
System and algorithm design, scalability and performance;
Holistic overviews or component deep dives of recommender system pipelines including ETL, candidate generation, research and production training, feature stores and inference;
Privacy-preserving recommendation systems in production, e.g., using differential privacy and federated learning;
Challenges faced by practitioners that are under-studied in the research community or novel to particular recommendation applications;
Authors of the selected proposals will give an oral presentation in the Industry Track and be invited to present a poster at the conference poster sessions. Extended abstracts will also be published in the conference proceedings.
Submission Guidelines
All submissions and reviews will be handled electronically. Papers must be submitted via EasyChair by 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth) on June 3, 2024.
To allow for preparation of the conference’s online presence, we might request audiovisual material, such as a recording of the talk, two weeks before the conference start date.
ACM’s archival publication format separates content from presentation in the Digital Library to enhance accessibility and improve the flexibility and resiliency of our publications. Following the ACM publication workflow, all authors should submit manuscripts for review in a double-column format. The maximum length for industry talk proposals is 2 pages (excluding authors’ bios and references), plus up to 1 page of bios and references). Please note that the page limit and format requirements are strict. Non-complying abstracts will be desk-rejected.
Authors can also submit auxiliary material to enhance reproducibility (e.g., experiment details, proof details), but papers should be self-contained and reviewers are not required to review the auxiliary material.
Instructions for Word and LaTeX authors are given below:
Microsoft Word: Write your paper using ACM’s interim template. Follow the embedded instructions to apply the paragraph styles to your various text elements. The text is in double-column format and no additional formatting is required at this stage.
LaTeX: Please use the latest version of the Primary Article Template – LaTeX to create your submission.Start the document with the \documentclass[sigconf]{acmart} command to generate the output in a double-column format. Please see the LaTeX documentation and ACM’s LaTeX best practices guide for further instructions, ignoring the single-column instructions. Do not use the “manuscript” option, otherwise the document will not be compiled in double-column, as required. Check the sample-sigconf.tex file included in the template package for a formatting example. To ensure 100% compatibility with The ACM Publishing System (TAPS), please restrict the use of packages to the whitelist of approved LaTeX packages.
Authors are strongly encouraged to provide “alt text” (alternative text) for floats (images, tables, etc.) in their content so that readers with disabilities can be given descriptive information for these floats that are important to the work. The descriptive text will be displayed in place of a float if the float cannot be loaded. This benefits the author as well as it broadens the reader base for the author’s work. Moreover, the alt text provides in-depth float descriptions to search engine crawlers, which helps to properly index these floats. Additionally, authors should follow the ACM Accessibility Recommendations for Publishing in Color and SIG ACCESS guidelines on describing figures.
Should you have any questions or issues going through the instructions above, please contact support at for both LaTeX and Microsoft Word inquiries.
Accepted proposals will be later submitted to ACM’s new production platform where authors will be able to review PDF and HTML output formats before publication.
Industry talk proposals must include the following:
Title and extended abstract of the proposal presentation;
Short bios of the presenter(s) (up to 300 words).
Submissions are not anonymized. Please include information identifying the authors and their organization.
Important Dates
Proposal submission deadline: June 3, 2024
Author notification: July 22, 2024
Camera-ready version deadline: August 19, 2024
Deadlines refer to 23:59 (11:59pm) in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.
Industry Chairs
Pablo Castells, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Amazon, Spain
Zhenhua Dong, Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab, China
Ben London, Amazon Music, USA
Call for Doctoral Symposium Submissions
The ACM RecSys 2024 Doctoral Symposium provides an opportunity for doctoral students to explore and develop their research interests under the guidance of a panel of distinguished researchers from both academia and industry. We invite students who feel that they would benefit from this kind of feedback on their work to apply for this unique opportunity, which will allow them to share their work with their peers as well as with senior researchers in the field. The strongest candidates will be those who have already made some research progress, but who are not so far along that they can no longer make changes in their research plans. Typically, this means that they have defined their topic and have completed some research, but still have at least a year of research remaining before completing a dissertation (in many universities this corresponds to the dissertation proposal stage). The feedback from attendees in previous years has been very positive, and the Doctoral Symposium has been considered very useful in providing research guidance.
The symposium has the following objectives:
Provide a supportive setting for feedback on students’ current research and guidance on future research directions.
Offer each student feedback and fresh perspectives on their work from faculty and students outside their own institution.
Promote the development of a supportive community of researchers and a spirit of collaborative research.
Contribute to the conference goals through interaction with other researchers and conference events.
Student participants will have their extended abstracts included in the conference proceedings. They will also present a poster of their work at the conference.
Symposium Format and Participation Expectations
Participants are expected to physically attend the entire symposium, and are also expected to attend the RecSys 2024 conference. The RecSys conference will be held from October 14-18, 2024, and the symposium will be held on October 14, 2023. The conference as well as the symposium will take place in Bari (Italy), with an inclusive format that accommodates remote attendance, allowed only in special cases, such as VISA or health issues.
The format of the symposium will be primarily student presentations and Q&A opportunities with senior researchers in the field, supplemented by one or two panel sessions to provide advice.
Student presentations will be structured to provide maximum feedback. In particular:
Presentations will be limited to 10 minutes, followed by 20-25 minutes for feedback and discussion.
Two of the symposium faculty will be assigned to provide “primary” feedback for each presenter; following this primary feedback, there will be a period of open feedback from all participants.
Students will be expected to take notes for another participant so that each of you can focus on interacting during the discussion surrounding your presentation.
During the main conference, students will also present their dissertation work and plans in the form of a poster presentation.
Being accepted into the symposium is an honor, and involves a commitment to giving and receiving thoughtful commentary with an eye towards shaping the field and upcoming participants in the research area.
Submission Guidelines
Applications are invited from graduate students pursuing a PhD project who would benefit from detailed workshop discussions of their doctoral research by a panel of established researchers. All submissions and reviews will be handled electronically.
Applications should include the following:
An extended abstract (see below).
A curriculum vitae or resumé.
A one-paragraph statement of expected benefits of participation, including questions regarding your dissertation that you would like to ask your symposium mentors.
A brief letter of recommendation from your doctoral advisor, focused on how your participation in the Doctoral Symposium will benefit your dissertation research.
Submit these four items in a single PDF file to EasyChair by 23:59, AoE (Anywhere on Earth) on June 17, 2024.
In addition to these guidelines, the guidelines in the main-track call for papers apply for Formatting, Ethical Review for Human-Subjects Research, Originality, Plagiarism, Patenting, Open Access, and Publication Date. Please note that, ANONYMITY does not apply to Doctoral Symposium Submissions. The sole author of the abstract is the student, who can appear explicitly in the submitted PDF file. Advisor(s) can be thanked in the acknowledgments.
The maximum length for extended abstracts is 5 pages (plus up to 2 pages of references) in the double-column format.
Please write your extended abstract to the same quality standards as a regular RecSys submission.
Confidentiality of submissions is maintained during the review process, where only the DS Chairs will have access to the submissions. All rejected submissions will be kept confidential in perpetuity. All submitted materials for accepted submissions will be kept confidential until two weeks before the start of the conference. Submissions should contain no information or materials that are proprietary at publication time.
Selection Criteria
Your extended abstract will be evaluated by the DS Chairs with regard to:
Originality of the work with respect to current concepts and techniques (provide relevant citations).
Importance of the work with respect to fundamental issues in recommender systems (clearly identify the problems you are trying to solve).
Rigor and validity of claims, argumentation, methodology, results, and interpretations.
Clarity and persuasiveness of expression.
To provide maximum feedback to each student, participation in the Doctoral Symposium is limited. Selection is based on two broad criteria:
Value of the symposium to the student:
The degree to which the applicant is positioned to benefit from participation, including the student’s position in the doctoral process (the greatest benefit is for students with a developed research idea but much of the work yet undone).
The degree to which the student may otherwise lack access to a diverse set of feedback and input on his or her research plans (e.g., availability of local experts and advisors).
Value of the student’s participation to other students:
The quality of the extended abstract (as identified above), both as a model of excellent research and as an indication of the student’s potential in the field.
Diversity of participation, including diversity by institution, country, research topic and approach, and demographics. In general, we will limit participation to one or two students per institution, depending on the number of applicants.
Evidence that the student will be an effective and active participant, providing feedback to others and helping to build a research network (such as, e.g., prior experience in meetings, workshops, etc., or any feedback the advisor may provide on this).
Application Checklist
Well in advance of the deadline:
Write an extended abstract according to the formatting instructions above. The maximum length for extended abstracts is 5 pages (+ up to 2 pages of references) in the double-column format. Note that the student is the sole author of the abstract. Advisor(s) can be thanked in the acknowledgments.
Write a curriculum vitae.
Write a one-paragraph statement of the expected benefits of participation.
Obtain a letter of recommendation from your advisor.
By the deadline (June 17, 2024, 23:59 AoE): Submit items 1-4 above in a single PDF file to EasyChair.
We very strongly advise students to also apply for a spot as a student volunteer (SV). Student volunteers will receive free registration to RecSys 2024. Students accepted for the Doctoral Symposium will be prioritized for a student volunteer spot. The deadline for SV applications is planned to be after the notifications for the Doctoral Symposium.
Regarding travel grants, students could apply for Gary Marsden Travel Awards (GMTA) established by SIGCHI to get support for attending the conference. Eligible members can be undergraduate and graduate students, early-career researchers (such as those who are ≤ 5 years post-graduation), and those suffering from financial hardship or lacking institutional support. You can apply even before having an accepted submission. (Still, GMTA “will prioritize first-time attendees and presenters”). We suggest applying no later than July. You can find detailed information about available student support on the Grants page.
SIGCHI Submitter Agreement
By submitting your article to an ACM Publication, you are hereby acknowledging that you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including ACM’s new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects. Alleged violations of this policy or any ACM Publications Policy will be investigated by ACM and may result in a full retraction of your paper, in addition to other potential penalties, as per ACM Publications Policy.
Please ensure that you and your co-authors obtain an ORCID ID, so you can complete the publishing process for your accepted paper. ACM has been involved in ORCID from the start and we have recently made a commitment to collect ORCID IDs from all of our published authors. The collection process has started and will roll out as a requirement throughout 2022. We are committed to improve author discoverability, ensure proper attribution and contribute to ongoing community efforts around name normalization; your ORCID ID will help in these efforts.”
RecSys 2024 is a SIGCHI conference and making a submission to a SIGCHI conference is a serious matter. Submissions require time and effort by SIGCHI volunteers to organize and manage the reviewing process, and, if the submission is accepted, the publication and presentation process. Thus, anyone who submits to RecSys 2024 implicitly confirms the following statements:
I confirm that this submission is the work of myself and my co-authors.
I confirm that I or my co-authors hold copyright to the content, and have obtained appropriate permissions for any portions of the content that are copyrighted by others.
I confirm that any research reported in this submission involving human subjects has gone through the appropriate approval process at my institution.
I confirm that if this paper is accepted, I or one of my co-authors will present the paper at the conference in person. Papers that are not presented at the conference by an author may be removed from the proceedings at the discretion of the program chairs.
Important Dates
Doctoral Symposium submission deadline: June 17, 2024
Doctoral Symposium submission notification: July 22, 2024
Deadline for the camera-ready version of the extended abstract: August 19, 2024
Deadlines refer to 23:59 (11:59pm) in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.
Doctoral Symposium Chairs
Ludovico Boratto, University of Cagliari, Italy
Marco de Gemmis, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
Elisabeth Lex, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Call for Demonstrations
We are pleased to invite you to contribute to the 18th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2024), the premier venue for research on the foundations and applications of recommendation technologies. The upcoming RecSys conference will be held from October 14–18, 2024 in Bari, Italy. While there will be the option to attend remotely, authors of accepted papers are expected to present the work in person. The conference will continue RecSys’ practice of connecting researchers, practitioners, and students to exchange ideas, frame problems, and share solutions across a range of specialties concerned with recommendation. All accepted papers will be published by ACM.
Demos show implementations of novel, interesting, and important recommender systems’ concepts or applications. Allowing potential users to see and use a demo of a research work makes them excited about it – it makes the work real and tangible. Demos also allow researchers from academia and developers from small start-ups to large industries to present new recommender ideas and get valuable feedback from the recommender systems community.
We welcome new demonstrations of recommendation technologies coming from diverse communities ranging from psychology to mathematics. In particular, we care as much about the human and economic impact of these systems as we care about their underlying algorithms.
RecSys has an excellent history of being well-attended by industry representatives — past conferences have had attendees and presenters from Netflix, Amazon, Booking, Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Criteo, Pandora, Spotify, etc. The blend of industry and academic attention provides an excellent environment to demonstrate and discuss the latest inventions or ideas.
We invite demonstrations relevant to all aspects of recommender systems, including, but not limited to:
Interaction techniques (preference elicitation interfaces, recommendation presentation, explanations, and more);
Tools for development and analysis of recommender systems (design tools, evaluation systems, analytics tools);
Innovative applications of recommender systems;
Recommender user experiments;
Recommender platforms;
New code libraries for recommender systems.
Accepted demonstrations will be published in the conference proceedings as an extended abstract. Authors will also be required to present a poster of their work at the conference.
Reviewing Process
Reviewers will evaluate demos based on their significance, originality, and contribution to the field. In view of the RecSys conference goal of advancing the field, reviewers are also asked to consider the replicability of the reported research. Sharing of data sets and code is encouraged and will be part of the review process. Given the mixed conference format, the audio and video quality of the accompanying screencast will be evaluated.
Submissions that are out of scope, incomplete, or lack sufficient evidence to support the basic claims, may be rejected without full review.
Submission Guidelines
The description of a demo must include the following:
An overview of the algorithm or system that is the core of the demo, including citations to any publication that supports the work.
A discussion of the purpose and the novelty of the demo.
A description of the required setup. If the system will feature an installable component (e.g., mobile app) or website for users to use throughout or after the conference, please mention this.
A link to a narrated screen capture of your system in action, ideally a video. The maximum duration of screen capture is 10 minutes. (This section will be removed for the camera-ready version of accepted contributions but might be included in the virtual platform used to host the online part of the conference).
We also highly encourage any external material related to the demo (e.g., shared code on GitHub). Please, provide a link to the shared code in the extended abstract accompanying the demo.
A demo submission should report on a description of the demo. The maximum length is 2 pages (up to 1 page of references) in the double-column format.
All submissions and reviews will be handled electronically. Submissions must be submitted via EasyChair. Note that we require the submission of an abstract a few days before the full submission deadline.
In addition to these guidelines, the guidelines in the main-track call for papers apply for Formatting, Anonymity, Ethical Review for Human-Subjects Research, Originality, Plagiarism and Patenting. Please make sure that you have read and understood those.
SIGCHI Submitter Agreement
By submitting your article to an ACM Publication, you are hereby acknowledging that you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including ACM’s new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects. Alleged violations of this policy or any ACM Publications Policy will be investigated by ACM and may result in a full retraction of your paper, in addition to other potential penalties, as per ACM Publications Policy.
Please ensure that you and your co-authors obtain an ORCID ID, so you can complete the publishing process for your accepted paper. ACM has been involved in ORCID from the start and we have recently made a commitment to collect ORCID IDs from all of our published authors. The collection process has started and will roll out as a requirement throughout 2022. We are committed to improve author discoverability, ensure proper attribution and contribute to ongoing community efforts around name normalization; your ORCID ID will help in these efforts.”
RecSys 2024 is a SIGCHI conference and making a submission to a SIGCHI conference is a serious matter. Submissions require time and effort by SIGCHI volunteers to organize and manage the reviewing process, and, if the submission is accepted, the publication and presentation process. Thus, anyone who submits to RecSys 2024 implicitly confirms the following statements:
I confirm that this submission is the work of myself and my co-authors.
I confirm that I or my co-authors hold copyright to the content, and have obtained appropriate permissions for any portions of the content that are copyrighted by others.
I confirm that any research reported in this submission involving human subjects has gone through the appropriate approval process at my institution.
I confirm that if this paper is accepted, I or one of my co-authors will present the paper at the conference in person. Papers that are not presented at the conference by an author may be removed from the proceedings at the discretion of the program chairs.
Important Dates
Submission in the Demo track at RecSys’24 will require the submission of an abstract.
Demo abstract submission deadline: August 1, 2024
Demo submission deadline: August 5, 2024
Demo notifications: August 26, 2024
Demo camera-ready paper: September 2, 2024
Deadlines refer to 23:59 (11:59pm) in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.
We are pleased to invite you to contribute to the 18th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2024), the premier venue for research on the foundations and applications of recommendation technologies. The upcoming RecSys conference will be held from October 14–18, 2024 in Bari, Italy. While there will be the option to attend remotely, authors of accepted papers are expected to present the work in person. Each accepted contribution is expected to be presented in person. The conference will continue RecSys’ practice of connecting researchers, practitioners, and students to exchange ideas, frame problems, and share solutions across a range of specialties concerned with recommendation. All accepted papers will be published by ACM.
The Late-Breaking Results (LBR) track of RecSys offers an opportunity for presenting new, interesting, preliminary results and speculative or innovative work in progress. The track seeks novel contributions that should be published immediately, because they will influence the work of others. The topics listed in the main-track call for papers serve as a reference, but we also encourage submissions with clear relevance to recommender systems that extend this list.
Accepted contributions for this track will be presented as posters, where the informal setting encourages presenters and participants to engage in lively discussions about the presented work. All submissions should convey a scientific result or work in progress that is not yet ready to be published as a research paper at a refereed conference, but the preliminary results are already interesting.
Accepted submissions will be published as extended abstracts in the ACM RecSys 2024 conference proceedings.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions should report on new and preliminary contributions. The maximum length is 4 pages (plus up to 1 page of references) in the double-column format.
All submissions and reviews will be handled electronically. Submissions must be submitted via EasyChair. Note that we require the submission of an abstract a few days before the full submission deadline.
In addition to these guidelines, the guidelines in the main-track call for papers apply for Formatting, Anonymity, Ethical Review for Human-Subjects Research, Originality, Plagiarism and Patenting. Please make sure that you have read and understood those.
SIGCHI Submitter Agreement
By submitting your article to an ACM Publication, you are hereby acknowledging that you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including ACM’s new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects. Alleged violations of this policy or any ACM Publications Policy will be investigated by ACM and may result in a full retraction of your paper, in addition to other potential penalties, as per ACM Publications Policy.
Please ensure that you and your co-authors obtain an ORCID ID, so you can complete the publishing process for your accepted paper. ACM has been involved in ORCID from the start and we have recently made a commitment to collect ORCID IDs from all of our published authors. The collection process has started and will roll out as a requirement throughout 2022. We are committed to improve author discoverability, ensure proper attribution and contribute to ongoing community efforts around name normalization; your ORCID ID will help in these efforts.”
RecSys 2024 is a SIGCHI conference and making a submission to a SIGCHI conference is a serious matter. Submissions require time and effort by SIGCHI volunteers to organize and manage the reviewing process, and, if the submission is accepted, the publication and presentation process. Thus, anyone who submits to RecSys 2024 implicitly confirms the following statements:
I confirm that this submission is the work of myself and my co-authors.
I confirm that I or my co-authors hold copyright to the content, and have obtained appropriate permissions for any portions of the content that are copyrighted by others.
I confirm that any research reported in this submission involving human subjects has gone through the appropriate approval process at my institution.
I confirm that if this paper is accepted, I or one of my co-authors will present the paper at the conference in person. Papers that are not presented at the conference by an author may be removed from the proceedings at the discretion of the program chairs.
Important Dates
Submission in the LBR track at RecSys’24 will require the submission of an abstract.
LBR abstract submission deadline: August 1, 2024
LBR submission deadline: August 5, 2024
LBR notifications: August 26, 2024
LBR camera-ready paper: September 2, 2024
Deadlines refer to 23:59 (11:59pm) in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.