The pre-conference workshops will take place on September 15 and 16 at IBM Research.
Round-trip shuttle service will be provided.
A detailed schedule for both workshop days can be found in the program (Thursday & Friday).
List of Workshops
- RecSysTV: Workshop on Recommendation Systems for Television and Online Video
- IntRS: Joint Workshop on Interfaces and Human Decision Making for Recommender Systems
- CBRecSys: Workshop on New Trends in Content-based Recommender Systems
- EMPIRE: Workshop on Emotions and Personality in Personalized Systems
- DLRS: Workshop on Deep Learning for Recommender Systems
- HealthRecSys: Workshop on Engendering Health with Recommender Systems
- RecProfile: Workshop on Profiling User Preferences for Dynamic Online and Real-Time Reco…
- RecTour: Workshop on Recommenders in Tourism
- LSRS: Workshop on Large Scale Recommendation Systems
- RecSys Challenge 2016 Workshop
Workshop Co-Chairs
- Elizabeth Daly, IBM Research Dublin, Ireland
- Dietmar Jannach, TU Dortmund, Germany