Call for Papers

We are pleased to invite you once again to participate in the premier annual event on research and applications of recommendation technologies, the Third ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. The previous conferences in Minneapolis and Lausanne have been distinguished by a strong level of interaction between practitioners and researchers in the sharing of ideas, problems and solutions, and the 2009 conference will continue in this tradition. The fully-refereed proceedings will be published by the ACM and, like past RecSys proceedings, are expected to be widely read and cited.

We construe recommender systems broadly, including applications ranging from e-commerce to social networking, platforms from web to mobile and beyond, and a wide variety of technologies ranging from collaborative filtering to case-based reasoning. Therefore, topics of interest for RecSys’09 include (but are not limited to):

  • Case studies of recommender system implementations
  • Conversational recommender systems
  • Context-aware and multidimensional recommender systems
  • Evaluation of recommender systems
  • Group recommenders
  • The impact of recommenders in practice
  • Innovative recommender applications
  • Novel paradigms of recommender systems
  • Personalization
  • Recommendation algorithms
  • Recommendation in social networks
  • Recommender system interfaces
  • Scalability issues
  • Security and privacy
  • Semantic web technologies for recommender systems
  • Theoretical aspects of recommender systems
  • User modeling and recommender systems
  • User studies

The conference will present the Best Paper and the Best Poster award, with the Best Poster award being judged on both the (short) paper itself and on the presentation of the work in poster form.

  • Important Dates

    Tutorial Proposals: April 10, 2009
    Paper Submission: May 8, 2009 (extended deadline)
    Deadline for abstracts (mandatory): May 8, 11.59 pm (PST)
    Deadline for full papers (long/short): May 14, 11.59 pm (PST)
    Workshop Proposals: May 15, 2009
    Doctoral Symposium Applications: June 8, 2009
    Paper Acceptance Notifications: June 19, 2009
    2nd round short papers: June 26
    Notification 2nd round: July 17
    Camera-ready copy: August 17
    Conference: October 22-25, 2009

  • Paper Format and Submission

    All submissions and reviews will be handled electronically in PDF format. RecSys09 submissions should be prepared according to the standard ACM SIG proceedings format. For your convenience, we provide paper templates in Microsoft Word and LaTeX on the conference website.

    There are two paper categories:

    LONG PAPER submissions should report on substantial contributions of lasting value. Each accepted long paper will be presented in a plenary session of the main conference program. The maximum length is 8 pages in the standard ACM SIG proceedings format.

    SHORT PAPER submissions typically discuss exciting new work that is not yet mature enough for a long paper. Each accepted short paper will be presented in a poster/demo session. The presentation may include a system demonstration. The maximum length is 4 pages in the standard ACM SIG proceedings format.

    RecSys ’09 will not use blind review, so please include authors’ names and affiliations on your submission. See the conference website for further submission information including submission URL.